
101+ Summer Bucket List Ideas

Free Printable inside!

May 21, 2021

The best part about summer is there are no "have to's" appointments, meetings and the schedule is super laid back. I love surprising my kids with days where we do spontaneous outings, serve them have ice cream for breakfast, and have all-nighters watching movies. Some of the best memories are made in this sweet season. 

Here's a list of OVER 101 Summer Bucket list ideas to make this summer a ton of fun! Some of them are our family favorites. (Link to download a FREE printable bucket list for your child below)

  1. Go paint at Sawdust Factory in Upland
  2. Grab Ice Cream at Handel's Homemade Ice Cream in Upland
  3. Take a boat ride in Orange County
  4. Learn how to make lemonade from scratch
  5. Go Bowling FOR FREE!
  6. Try a new restaurant at Haven City Market
  7. Rent a bounce house or waterside for the backyard
  8. Have a beach day
  9. Get up early and to garage sales
  10. Have your own garage sale
  11. Plan a backyard movie night  
  12. Take a trip to the mountains
  13. Stay up all night
  14. Make scoopable, edible playdough
  15. Play flashlight tag at night
  16. Start a nature journal
  17. Do leaf rubbings
  18. Donate to the Upland Animal Shelter
  19. Start a summer garden
  20. Make rootbeer floats
  21. Drive up the coast on Highway 1 and explore
  22. Have dessert for breakfast
  23. Make a foil pack dinner 
  24. Watch YouTube videos and learn to build something useful
  25. Redecorate or paint a room in your house 
  26. Book a paint night or Kids Paint at Purple Easel in Ontario
  27. Visit an Escape Room
  28. Go clothes and shoe shopping at Ontario Mills
  29. Go climbing and bouldering at Hanger 18 in Rancho
  30. Visit Dave and Busters 
  31. Play with bubbles
  32. Book a playdate a House of Play in Rancho Cucamonga
  33. Do a puzzle 
  34. Play miniature golf at Castle Park in Riverside
  35. Get the skydiving experience at iFly in Ontario 
  36. Go fishing
  37. Have a cupcake wars showdown
  38. Make Tie-Dye T-shirts, socks, bags, dresses - the options are limitless
  39. Go on a picnic exploring a new park in Rancho each time
  40. Take an early morning or evening bike ride on the Pacific Electric Trail
  41. Watch Fireworks on the Fourth of July
  42. Go to Sonic for Happy Hour every day from 2-5 PM
  43. Ride the Choo-Choo Monga Express Train at Victoria Gardens
  44. Visit the LA Zoo, San Diego Zoo, Santa Ana Zoo or Hesperia Zoo
  45. Have a water balloon fight
  46. Have a nerf gun war
  47. Paint with water guns 
  48. Make DIY jewelry
  49. Paint rocks for the Rock the Spot Community Garden at Central Park Community Center  
  50. Go to the Mission Tiki Drive-In
  51. Visit CreatED Natural Play Space in Rancho Cucamonga
  52. Campout under the stars, even if it is your own backyard
  53. Have a fashion show
  54. Visit the local botanic gardens
  55. Play retro games at Lost Levels Classic Arcade in Claremont
  56. Get your face painted or get face paints and learn to do it yourself
  57. Watch the sunrise and sunset
  58. Have random acts of kindness day! Pay for the person ahead of you, take popsicles to friends, deliver donuts to police and fire stations, write words of encouragement, and place them on people's cars. 
  59. Play in the sprinklers or better yet, a slip and slide
  60. Paint a picture
  61. Take a hike to the waterfall at the Etiwanda Preserve
  62. Learn how to roller skate or rollerblade
  63. Make Ice Cream from scratch
  64. Freeze and eat frozen grapes
  65. Make homemade popsicles
  66. Go Horseback riding
  67. Make Sun Tea
  68. Take family pictures on the beach
  69. Make a fairy garden
  70. Play a board game
  71. Read a book - get some friends and start a book club (for adults and another book club for the kids)
  72. Plan a BBQ dinner where the kids cook everything themselves (with supervision)
  73. Introduce your kids to an "old movie" you loved when you were a kid
  74. Build a fort
  75. Create a summer song playlist and have a dance party
  76. Visit the splash pad a Victoria Gardens or Cucamonga Guasti Park
  77. Visit Laser Land in West Covina
  78. Go on a mystery picnic or adventure
  79. Plan a road trip 
  80. Watch YES day on Netflix then surprise your kids with a YES day
  81. Plan a fun scavenger hunt day
  82. Fly a kite 
  83. Play hopscotch 
  84. Draw with sidewalk chalk 
  85. Take a trip on the Metrolink
  86. Create your own scratch art
  87. Teach your kids something from your childhood
  88. Have a backyard bonfire complete with smores
  89. Make Frozen Hot Chocolate
  90. Paint on the sidewalk with water
  91. Write and mail a letter to a friend
  92. Freeze toys in a block of ice and "dig" them out
  93. Create your own comic book
  94. Have a glow stick bubble bath
  95. Go around Upland,Claremont or La Verne and pick up trash
  96. Create a summer scrapbook
  97. Set up a paint day outside on the fence
  98. Grab the camera and do a fun photoshoot outdoors
  99. Explore 123 Farms and walk in the Lavender Fields
  100. Have fun with shrinky dinks, yep they are still a thing
  101. Take a class at Pila's Pantry in Rancho Cucamonga and learn how to decorate cakes and cookies
  102. Grab your favorite pizza from 3-4 different local pizza places and find your family favorite
  103. Take a train ride at Irvine Park Railroad or Southern California Railways
  104. Be a tourist in LA! Go to the museums, see the walk of fame and visit Grauman's Chinese Theatre
  105. Visit Raging Waters in San Dimas - Opening May 29th!
  106. Take the family to see $1 movies at Regal Cinema in La Verne

Help your child create their own Summer Bucket List! Download our FREE printable HERE and let them select 5 things from the above list that they want to do this summer. 

Keep checking back for more summer fun ideas!