Fireworks have been canceled, parks are closed and even family gatherings are not encouraged this 4th of July.
While this year's holiday will definitely not be what we are used to, we can still celebrate and be happy for what we have and where we live. Our local cities have reached out to help us find unique ways to celebrate this year.
Uplands Recreation and Community Services Division has shared some great ideas, crafts, and recipes for the 4th of July. Make sure you check out their Independence Day Scavenger Hunt where you can download and print the scavenger hunt/entry form and take a ride around Upland to learn more about the landmarks located in the city. There will be prizes awarded to the first five correct entries submitted.
Visit their website to check out all the activities you can do with your family.
The City of Claremont is promoting the Claremont XC Independence Virtual Run that takes place during the entire month of July in place of their annual Village Freedom Run. They will also be posting a special video tribute on Saturday, July 4th featuring comments from the City Council and photos/videos from past years festivities. You can view the video HERE on the City's Social Media page.
This Fourth of July is not the one that I envisioned but in our household, we have decided to make the best of it. I appreciate the work our local cities have done to reach out to the community with activities and ideas to keep the holidays (and the summer) festive and fun. I keep thinking that the bright side of all this is that we will truly appreciate next year when we can all gather together again, as a community, to celebrate together. I can almost guarantee that the parades will be louder, the festivals will be sweeter and the fireworks will be brighter. Until then, let's focus on what we have now and make some new memories.